Zaanse Schans is a neighbourhood in the municipality of Zaanstad in northern Holland. it is an attractive touristic place that perfectly represents the pre-industrial panorama of the Netherlands with over 200 years of history, with its historic houses and museums.
If you want to discover how people lived in Holland during the 17th and 18th centuries, visit the city. In this region you will see typical houses, mills, a tin factory and a dairy and cheese farm with handmade products. You will be able to experience the old style of Zaandam both from inside and from outside
What do we recommend to see?
- Visit some of the more than 600 mills that were built in the 17th century.
- Museumwinkel Museum.
- Bakkerijmuseum Museum.
- Zaanse Tijd Museum.
- Zaans Museum
- Trip by boat on river Zaan.
- Staying at the Zaanse Schans.
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