Travelling by bus improves the sustainability of the planet

August 28 2019
Viajar en autobús mejora la sostenibilidad del planeta

Travelling by bus improves the sustainability of the planet

Travelling in Chapín´s Group buses is a comfortable, tailored experience and, above all, a clear commitment to sustainability. In this article, we want to tell you the reasons why traveling by bus can make this planet a better place in the future.

Therefore, we try to ensure that our bus fleet emits the least possible amount of polluting gases. Moreover, travelling by bus is much more sustainable than doing it in our own vehicle and cities will benefit from less Co2 emissions as well as from a reduction in traffic jams.

This would eventually allow us to live in more sustainable, cleaner cities. By protecting the environment and the emission of polluting gases in our cities, we are increasing the level of our life quality.


Comply with anti-pollution regulations by using the bus more often

Many cities in Europe, and also in Spain, apply a series of regulations, which are intended to reduce the level of pollution when it is detected as above the recommended levels. Those standards are applied by already many cities, even when there are no high levels of pollution.

Among the fundamental bets of these regulations, we can point out the norm that limits the access to the city to certain types of vehicles, allowing only low emission cars to drive inside the city.  Chapin´s fleet does comply with this new requirement, making the city greener.

All ecological and environmental matters are not a fad. It is a philosophy of life that has come to stay, which is why, with our way of living, using more bus and less private cars, we are fostering our love for a safe environment.

If there are more and more hybrid and electric cars which are much more respectful towards the planet, it is clear that this trend is no going back. It has taken us a while, but, little by little, we have become more aware of how the transport of the present should be. Traveling by bus improves the sustainability of the planet!

Madrid.  You can do it at the link

For Chapín, the most important thing is safety.

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